如何透過修改 Seed 讓 DALL-E 3 逐步生成完美圖片

人工智能已經成為了我們日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。其中, DALL-E 3 作為一個先進的圖像生成模型,它能夠根據用戶的描述生成高質量的圖片,為創意和設計領域帶來了革命性的變革。然而,要想充分發揮 DALL-E 3 的潛力,了解如何通過修改 Seed 來逐步生成完美的圖片是至關重要的。本文將深入探討這一過程,提供一個詳細的指南,幫助用戶更好地利用這一強大工具。

修改 Seed 的重要性

在 DALL-E 3 的圖像生成過程中, Seed 扮演著關鍵的角色。它是一個通過 DALL-E 3 生成的每個圖片唯一的編號,通過對其進行修改,我們可以影響模型的輸出,從而生成更符合我們期望的圖片。修改 Seed 不僅可以提高圖片的質量,還可以使生成的圖片更加多樣化和創意。因此,掌握如何有效地修改 Seed 是達到最佳創作效果的關鍵。


為了更好地理解如何透過 Seed 優化圖片,我們將通過一個實際的例子來進行操作。請注意,雖然可以使用中文跟 DALL-E 3 溝通製作圖片,但由於目前 DALL-E 3 對中文 prompt 的理解仍不理想,涉及較為精細的圖片修改時,往往會獲得糟糕的結果。所以以下的實際示範,我們先以 Google 翻譯將 prompt 翻譯成英文,再使用英文指示 DALL-E 3 製作圖片。

假設我們是一個旅行社業者,我們想要製作一張用於”日本京都清水寺”觀光的廣告圖片。依照我們過往的經驗,使用日本年輕女性在景點前微笑並介紹景點的設計能夠獲得較高的點擊率。根據這個想法,我們開始指示 DALL-E 3 製作圖片,初始 prompt 如下:

A young Japanese woman stood in front of Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto, pointing her hand up and back at Kiyomizu Temple, showing a sweet smile.


Here are the images based on your description. I hope you find them satisfactory! If you have any feedback or would like further modifications, please let me know.


prompt: Photo of a young Japanese woman standing in front of the iconic Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. She points her hand up and back towards the temple, wearing a gentle smile on her face. The historic wooden temple structure is visible behind her, with lush green trees surrounding the area.


prompt: Illustration of a Japanese woman in her twenties, with long black hair, standing against the backdrop of Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. She gracefully points her hand upwards towards the temple’s roof, her face glowing with a soft smile. The temple’s wooden architecture and nearby greenery create a serene atmosphere.


prompt: Photo of a Japanese woman, dressed in modern attire, posing in front of Kiyomizu Temple. She points her hand up, directing attention to the temple’s historic architecture, while offering a warm smile to the camera. The surroundings are calm with the temple’s traditional design and green vegetation.


prompt: Watercolor painting of a young Japanese lady standing in front of the scenic Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. She gestures with her hand towards the temple, her face illuminated with a gentle smile. The temple’s intricate woodwork and the nearby trees form a picturesque background.

DALL-E 3 生成了4張製作精美的圖片,從真實照片、插畫、水彩風格的都有。我們比較喜歡第2張圖片美女的姿勢跟背景,但是這張圖是插畫風格,不是我們期待的真實照片。所以我們輸入 prompt 詢問 GPT-4 這張圖的編號:

Please tell me the seed of picture 2


The seed for picture 2 is 1298462994. If you'd like to modify or regenerate the image using this seed, please let me know how you'd like to proceed!

取得 Seed 編號後,接下來就可以開始優化這張圖片,輸入 prompt :

Please use the poses and background of seed 1298462994 and change them to real photos


Here's the modified image based on your request. I hope it meets your expectations! If you have any other requests or feedback, please let me know.


prompt: Photo of a Japanese woman in her twenties, with long black hair, standing against the backdrop of Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. She gracefully points her hand upwards towards the temple’s roof, her face glowing with a soft smile. The temple’s wooden architecture and nearby greenery create a serene atmosphere.


於是我們再次優化照片,輸入 prompt :

seed 1298462994 Please do not extend the fingers of the person in this photo. Please keep your palms flat and facing upward. Please adjust the skin of the person to be more natural.


Here's the adjusted image based on your specifications. I hope it aligns with your vision! If there are any further changes you'd like or if you have other feedback, please let me know.


prompt: Photo of a Japanese woman in her twenties, with long black hair, standing against the backdrop of Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. She holds her hand with a flat palm facing upward, her face glowing with a soft smile. The temple’s wooden architecture and nearby greenery create a serene atmosphere, and her skin appears natural and radiant.


這時公司的廣告投放剛好路過,馬上表達他的修改意見。因為這張圖是要拿到 Facebook 做投放的,他希望能夠把這張照片的比例修改成 16:9。這時我們只好繼續優化這張照片,輸入 prompt :

Please change the format of the photo seed 1298462994 to 16:9


I've adjusted the image to the 16:9 format as you requested. I hope it meets your requirements! If you have any other requests or feedback, please let me know.


prompt: Photo of a Japanese woman in her twenties, with long black hair, standing against the backdrop of Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. She holds her hand with a flat palm facing upward, her face glowing with a soft smile. The temple’s wooden architecture and nearby greenery create a serene atmosphere, and her skin appears natural and radiant.


這時強迫症的主管剛好路過,他對這張圖左上角稀疏的白色天空很不順眼,馬上說必須改掉!於是,我們再次優化圖片,輸入 prompt :

seed 1298462994 Please adjust the background slightly so as not to expose the white edges.


I've made the adjustment to the background as you requested, ensuring there are no white edges. I hope this meets your expectations! If you have further feedback or any other requests, please let me know.


prompt: Photo of a Japanese woman in her twenties, with long black hair, standing with a full background of Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto, ensuring no white edges are visible. She holds her hand with a flat palm facing upward, her face glowing with a soft smile. The temple’s wooden architecture and nearby greenery create a seamless and serene atmosphere, and her skin appears natural and radiant.


以上就是實際操作的完整過程。讀者可以根據自己工作的需求利用此方法與 DALL-E 3 互動生成自己想要的圖片。


在本文中,我們詳細探討了如何透過修改 Seed 來優化 DALL-E 3 生成的圖片質量。通過一系列的步驟和策略,我們了解了如何細緻地調整 prompt ,選擇合適的圖像樣本,並通過實際操作來展示修改 Seed 的過程和效果。


  1. 精確調整: 修改 Seed 是一個需要精確調整和細心觀察的過程,每一個小的變化都可能對最終生成的圖片產生重大影響。
  2. 保存和比較: 在整個過程中保存不同階段的設置和結果,對於找到最佳參數配置和理解每個參數的影響至關重要。
  3. 耐心實驗: 修改 Seed 參數並獲得滿意結果需要時間和耐心,不斷實驗和調整是達到最佳效果的關鍵。


  1. 技術進步: 隨著人工智能和機器學習技術的不斷進步,我們期待未來將有更多先進的工具和方法來協助用戶更加精確地修改 Seed 並生成高質量的圖片。
  2. 用戶友好性: 目前修改 Seed 的過程可能對於初學者來說較為複雜,期待未來會有更多用戶友好的界面。


  1. 直接複製!使用 DALL-E 3 新增的67種圖片風格,解放 AI 創作潛能 (附實例)
  2. DALL-E 3 新功能與實踐指南
  3. GPT-4V 進階:透過 GPT-4V 讓 DALL-E 3 以文生圖創造風格近似的作品
  4. 如何利用 Negative Prompt 優化 DALL-E 3 圖像生成
  5. 如何用 Gen ID 讓 DALL-E 3 輸出相同風格的圖片
  6. 如何在 DALL-E 3 中將數種不同物體融合為一
  7. 如何在 DALL-E 3 的圖片上增加文字
  8. 六種適用於東方特色的 DALL-E 3 創作風格
  9. DALL-E 3 中的光線參數 (上)
  10. DALL-E 3 中的光線參數 (下)
  11. DALL-E 3 的角度參數及其影響